Easi Singles (10 x 12inches)

by Artist Orla Walsh


Acrylic Painting

10 x 12inch Box Canvas

IEasi-Singles, the best cheese of my childhood, my school lunch for at least 10 years, ham and cheese on Brennan’s white bread and butter in a plastic sandwich bag 😂. Years later they made brilliant hangover toasties. Our sandwich maker was lethal in the 1980’s, it’s sealed the edges of the sandwich like cement and god forbid you took a bite before it cooled down. It would scald the mouth of you 😬🥵
Still I love them just as much today especially when @aliwalsh_ and I make cheese sauce for our nachos…
This is our recipe..

Ultimate Nacho Cheese Sauce 🧀🧀
10 easi-singles
1tablespoon of Milk or cream
Sea salt
A few drops of Franks Hot Sauce

Put the easi-singles and the milk (or cream) into a sauce pan and melt. Whisking as it melts. Add more milk to get the consistency you would like. Add salt and a few drops of franks hot sauce to taste. Pour over nachos while hot